View, change, or cancel your subscriptions

We’ve listed the necessary steps to view, change, or cancel your subscription from App Store and Google Play.

The first set of instructions listed if for the App Store subscription management and the second set (scroll down) is for the Google Play subscription management.

App Store: on your iPhone or iPad

1. Open App Store.
2. Tap your avatar (right top corner) and then tap Manage Subscription
3. Tap the subscription, then click Cancel Subscription.

Google Play: on your android phone or android tablet

Cancel subscription

1. Go to
2. In the left menu, click My Subscriptions.
3. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click Manage.
4. Click Cancel Subscription.

Restart or restore a subscription

If your subscription is canceled but still active:
1. Go to or App Store.
2. Go to My Subscriptions.
3. Find the subscription you want to restore.
4. Click Restore.

Android: Restart or resubscribe to a subscription

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